Friday, July 20, 2012

Usability Testing - In Class Activity

We did an in-class activity today. It was pretty awesome. We did some mock usability testing. The actual testing itself isn't so awesome but discovering how bad the Toronto Public Library website is was kind of fun. Even better was that it really gave us a good idea of what we are doing for our final project of the term. This means I might still be able to get and A but that's not really the point of this post. Today I was given what should have been a simple task. All I had to do was figure out if a book was available at a particular library location in Toronto. A task I have preformed a million times while working for CPL. The catch here was that I wasn't given a location, I needed to find the one closest to the Toronto Billy...Airport. Well, figuring that out using their website was next to impossible. They only make a city map with all location on it available under their link for newcomers to Canada. Well, what about just plain people in Toronto who never used a library before? Geez. Something that should have taken me 2 minutes took over 10 and I was only successful with lots of hints. I consider their website in need of a little work. Why was this so hard to find???

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